Should the Righteous Celebrate Easter?

EasterWhy do people celebrate Easter? That may sound like a strange question to many people that honor this day. In fact, it might just be an insulting question. But seriously, why do men celebrate it? Is it because of their undeniable love for Christ or is it due to the traditions that were passed down from their parents and grandparents? Does it have anything to do with the religious environment that we were born into or is it something that we find within scripture that commands us to celebrate such a day? For just about 2000 years, people throughout the world celebrate this day as one of the holiest days of the year. Within Christianity, this day celebrates Christ’s resurrection from the dead. While the gesture may seem nice, God gave us instructions on everything that we should do and celebrations that we ought to keep concerning him. Adding anything new by way of tradition or taking away from the Bible is a violation of God’s law.

“Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you.”(Deut 4:2Deut 4:2)

Did you realize that there is not one place in the Bible that commands us to celebrate Easter, yet 69% of Americans do so every year.

The belief in the one true God, (the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob ) was a Hebrew concept which belonged to the Children of Israel first. Even in the New Testament, it is stated that his word was given to the Jew first and then to the Gentile. (Romans 2:9) Prior to the Gentiles receiving the word of God from the Jews (the Children of Israel); they were a polytheistic culture, believing in the worshiping of multiple gods. When God decided to grant salvation to all those that loved heasteregghuntim and obeyed all of his commands, he didn’t just open up the heavens and pour down his wisdom concerning the Kingdom of heaven upon man. His wisdom was taught to the world by men who he had anointed and set aside for this mission. One of the last principles that God taught his disciples was about Passover at which time communion was introduced. He co
mmanded these disciples to go and teach ALL nations whatsoever he had taught them. (Matthew 28:19) The Bible tells us that Apostle Paul, who was also a Jew as well as a Roman Citizen, was an Apostle to the Gentiles. An Apostle is an ambassador, one who speaks on behalf of his/her nation to other nations. This person has information, secrets if you will that are unknown to foreign nations and it is his/her responsibility to communicate this information. This is what Apostle Paul was doing on behalf of the Father. One thing that we are certain of, there is not one mention of Christ, the disciples or Apostle Paul teaching people to celebrate an Easter festival after the death of Christ.

So how did Easter come about? Well at some point, some years after the Romans were taught about the one true God; many years after their persecution of most of the Jews, they were ready to conquer this faith; use it for political gain, and reign supreme over the entire world. Once they received their knowledge and understanding, they no longer needed the Jews. This is evident some 300 years after the death of Christ at the Council of Nicaea.

… it appeared an unworthy thing that in the celebration of this most holy feast we should follow the practice of the Jews, who have impiously defiled their hands with enormous sin, and are, therefore, deservedly afflicted with blindness of soul … Let us then have nothing in common with the detestable Jewish crowd; for we have received from our Saviour a different way. (Emperor Constantine’s letter after the First Council of Nicaea)


Not only did God speak to Moses in the Old Testament and tell him that the Passover festival is to be celebrated throughout our generations (Exodus 12:14), we see thousands of years later, Christ and his disciples celebrating it (Luke 22:7-8,13-15) after which, they continued to spread this teaching throughout all nations. (Matthew 28:19) Did both God and Christ lie? Did God now change his mind about giving his word to his righteous people and now is giving it to those that were once Pagans? The following verses should answer that question for you

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