Letter from the Editor (October 2016)

Dear Readers,


It is amazing how fast the month of September just flew right on by. Don’t be too upset, that means the month of October is here and Restoration Magazine have more articles for you to read, health tips for you to try out, videos to watch, and recommended books for you to read.


At Restoration Magazine, we believe in restoring the Biblical principles that were established by the church of old. With that being said, we are doing something a little different this month. We will be discussing the role of the woman within the church, coming from both the male and female perspective. So, you know your girl had to get in on the topic and yes, the female perspective in “The Divine Roles of the Women of God,” is mine and the male’s perspective comes from a very good friend of mine. Since there are so many religions that believe a woman should not preach or teach in the church, we decided that it is an issue that needs to be brought to the forefront. Join us as we discuss the divine will of God’s concerning the roles of the women in the church and within the household.


Have you ever wondered how someone can be a Christian, but not be considered as belonging to Christianity? Who were the first Christians and how are they different from Modern Day Christians? “Christian verses Christianity,” slowly walks you through in answering those questions. We also discover the origins of Christianity and how keeping certain principles of this religion completely contradicts the doctrine that Christ taught.


Many people believe that there is no validity to the Bible simply because it was translated by man. This is a huge reason why many cannot be converted. In translation, the characters in one language are changed to characters in another language: the sounds of the words change and not the concept of the message. Translation did not make the Bible invalid; it made the Bible accessible to the many people around the world to read about the will of God. In any case, the Bible was originally written in the Hebrew language, not English, would you feel more validated if it remained in the original language and allow someone else to be responsible for telling you what it says? Either way, you would have to depend on man for help. Think about it!


There are a host of other things for you to enjoy in this issue. We share some very good health tips this month, it’s all about taking care of “self.” In our adult lives, we become so busy in taking care of other situations that we forget about the most important person. Read about some of the things you can do to improve your mind, body, and spirit.


Well, that’s all for now, I’ll chat with you next month!


Rachel Lofton,


To send a letter to the Editor, you can write to: rlofton@restorationmagazine.info


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