Letter From the Editor (November 2016)


Dear Readers,


I know it is hard to believe, but yes, it is November already and as usual, there are a lot more great articles for you to read in Restoration Magazine. For starters, God commanded His people to celebrate the Feast of Thanksgiving, but not as the world celebrates it. This feast was given to the Children of Israel and it was their duty to teach it to the world. Find out how man influenced the Feast of Thanksgiving that God ordained and made it into something that is acceptable unto the world in “The Tabernacle.”


In last month’s edition, there was an article entitled “Christian vs. Christianity,” this month we revisit this topic by providing you with Part 2. Here is where we go more into depth of how the Sabbath Day was changed by the Roman Emperor Constantine and how many Jews during his reign accepted Sunday as the new Sabbath Day in fear of being killed. Also, find out how Christmas, Easter, etc. came about. Did God establish these holidays or did they have pagan origins? If not, who or what is really being lifted during the celebration of these holidays?


Why is there such controversy about who God’s chosen people are? The Bible identifies His people as a nation of people with different ethnic backgrounds, but today, many religious groups were established by race (skin color). The color of a person’s skin was never a requirement of becoming the chosen people of God. The Bible describes the people of God in vivid details. So, when did skin color become an issue? It wasn’t until the time of slavery that the Slave Master used the Bible to teach his superiority over those with darker skin than his. Once again, we see the influence of man corrupting something that God made holy, but “The Bible and Race” sheds light on this situation and re-establishes the order of who are the true people of God’s.


As usual, we have a host of other articles, videos, health tips, etc. for you to enjoy. Don’t forget about Cris’s Corner.


Well, that’s all for now, I’ll chat with you again next month.


Rachel Lofton,


To send a letter to the Editor, you can write to: rlofton@restorationmagazine.info

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