Letter From The Editor (September 2016)

Letter From the Editor


Dear Readers,

Once again it is time for another issue of The Restoration Magazine. If you thought the articles in August were great, wait until you read the featured articles this month. We talk about how certain denominations proclaim to being the restoration church, but they were founded by man, creating a man-made doctrine that is contrary to that of the church of the Old and New Testament in “The Restoration in the New Testament.”

Years ago, when the conversation of cloning humans was on everyone’s tongue, I heard a lot of opinions as to why this act was wrong. Many people were against it because a clone is considered non-human and it is not a creation of God’s. There is a creation of God’s that is non-human and was not influenced by man’s hands and they are called angels. There are many accounts within the Bible where angels visited mankind. Who is Christ and does the Bible refer to him as being a human being? Why did he say that he was not of this world? Does his human-like features make him human, and if not, what makes his flesh and that of the angels different from our human flesh? Read “Not of this World” to get all of these questions answered today.

Have you ever taken the time to think of how disastrous this world would be if we did not have laws that are governed by man? We would be in a horrific state if running a red light and hitting a pedestrian were legal. What if selling alcohol, cigarettes, or even drugs to minors were legal, how high do you think the crime rate would be? More importantly, how drastically would the average life expectancy for human be? The laws of the land were established to bring order to the lives of human being. When these laws are ignored or disobeyed, chaos, destruction, and devastation will soon follow. This also holds true to the laws that are governed by God as the Creator of the universe. There are laws that he has established in relationship to the land. Does the law on man supersede the laws of God? Being the Creator of the universe, should not his laws be kept today? In the article, “Operating Within the Law of Things,” we analyze these questions and answer them with biblical proof.

Make sure you read about the benefits that lemons provide for the body and how they can also assist in cleaning around the house and don’t forget to check out “Cris Corner,” she believes that prayer should be apart of the curriculum in the schools. Take the time to read her reasoning on this subject and tell her what you think about it.


Well that’s all for now, I’ll talk to you again next month!


Rachel Lofton


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