5 Questions you will get about not celebrating Thanksgiving

5 Questions you will get about not celebrating Thanksgiving

Last month we talked a little bit about how people view you when you decide to change your beliefs and not follow the norm. Well we are approaching a time of the year that everyone seems to want to love….It is time to celebrate THE HOLIDAYS!

sweet-potatoeOur family has already started getting the invites to Thanksgiving dinner. Oh believe me I haven’t turned any down. Who doesn’t want to take a day off of work and have free food? Some may say “well if you’re eating on that day then you’re celebrating” and I strongly disagree (mostly because I like food)but it isn’t like I am going over dressing like a pilgrim and yelling “Happy Thanksgiving” to anyone. If Big Mama cooks though, I am going over to get me some sweet potato pie!

Anyway, here are the top 5 questions you are going to get about why you don’t celebrate Thanksgiving

  1. So we can’t get together and eat?

So now since you have your “beliefs” you can’t come over to eat dinner? Yes your family will ask you this question even though they probably haven’t invited you over for dinner since last Thanksgiving. They want to know why you’re acting funny and why this day is any different than coming over for dinner any other day. Here is a question you can ask them….”Did you invite me over for dinner any other day?” If their answer is no (and it likely is) then you have won. They do not pass go or collect $200. Tell them to make you a plate and let you celebrate how you want.

  1. Doesn’t the Bible say give thanks?

Oh give thanks unto the Lord….” Yeah I get this one all the time. “Well we celebrate Thanksgiving because the bible said to give thanks…..” I swear people will find a way to make a bible verse into whatever they want. Then if you tell them about the real history of Thanksgiving they will say “well I’m not stealing any land. I just want to celebrate it in my own way.” I have no problem with that as long as you let me do the same.


  1. This is about your “religion” again isn’t it?

I will leave my argument about “religion” out of this…..but NO it is about Common Sense! Yes there are certain Holy Days that I prefer to keep because of my faith; but there are some times when you really just have to do your research and understand “holidays” that are man-made. We are sometimes so wrapped up in tradition that we don’t bother to revisit the foundation of some of these days that are being celebrated. Seriously, take a moment to read the history of Thanksgiving (the real history) and ask yourself does it really look like what they make it look like on T.V.? Do they talk about a nation of people losing their land and dying in the process? We don’t see that part of it all we see is turkey and dressing. This is not about “religion” it is about understanding history.

  1. You are taking the day off right?

I love hearing this one. People really ask am I going to go to work since I don’t celebrate certain Holidays. REALLY??? So should I ask my multi-billion dollar corporation to stay open for the day or no?  Trust me if I coulddayoff have the company closed on the days I celebrate I would be more than happy. However since society follows traditional norms I just sit home on Thanksgiving and watch Football….but then I have to take MY personal days for the holidays I celebrate. So before you get mad at me for taking that day off think about the days I have to sacrifice since they aren’t your typical societal “norms”.

  1. You don’t want to keep tradition?

Yeah I know I mentioned this briefly before, but I get asked this question a lot. If your momma and grandma and their grandma celebrated Thanksgiving, then why wouldn’t you want to keep their traditions? Well if your grandfather’s grandfather was a slave owner is that the tradition you want to carry on? I understand that people honor traditions but you also need to understand tradition and not just follow it because it is what everyone else is doing. Understand your traditions and be brave enough to change it if it doesn’t make sense.

What have some people asked you about celebrating the holidays? Share your thoughts!

Until next time!


To send a letter to the Cris Travis, you can write to her at: cris@restorationmagazine.info

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