5 Things People Will Say to Make You Dread This Season

Last month we talked about how your family may react toward you in regards to your lack of acknowledgement towards Thanksgiving as a holiday. Funny that we discussed that because in true fashion during this holiday season, there are Native Americans once again fighting for land that is supposed to be sacred and belong to them….but I digress….


This month you may find yourself defending your beliefs in regards to another age old tradition; that ole Christmas holiday! While you should be decking the halls, trimming the trees, singing Christmas Carols and drinking egg nog …..wait a minute, I like eggnog. I take that back….you instead are refusing to acknowledge the time that has been set aside to celebrate the birth of Jesus. You are such a scrooge!

Well, to prepare you, I am going to provide you with 5 things you may hear your friends and family say about your choice tohumbug sit out this season. I am not here to give the same old debate as to why you should or should not celebrate the holiday. There are plenty of posts out there about that already, and I am pretty sure my few paragraphs won’t say anything different. Hopefully, this at least prepares you for the intense side-eyes you will receive in regards to your beliefs if you choose not to celebrate this holiday.


So you’re not buying the kids nothing???

Yes, I still hear this after our family has not acknowledged this holiday for the past 8 years. They say we are ruining this season because it should be about the kids. I am pretty sure that my teenage kids are not still trying to stay up all night to see if Santa is coming down the chimney. Actually, I don’t even have a chimney! Please don’t allow people to guilt you into thinking your kids are missing out on something. Work with them and help them to understand that it is okay to go against the traditions of the world. Tell your kids to read about the facts concerning this for themselves and feel confident about that. They will be tempted at first to go along with the norm, but be diligent in showing them by example.

Resolution: Tell them your kids are good….they just had 8 days of Chanukah to get lots of gifts.

But it is about the birth of Jesus

Yeah, because buying expensive gifts and decorating trees is exactly what Jesus wants you to do….and by that I mean NOT! Seriously, I can’t tell you how many times people use this as an excuse to celebrate the birth of Jesus. I don’t even want to go into the many reasons that is inaccurate, but when I do, the only response I typically get is “well it doesn’t matter….it is when xmas-wrapwe want to celebrate it.” Even though Christmas is NEVER mentioned in the Bible, we somehow have created this entire season and all of these traditions around it. But when people don’t want to acknowledge these traditions they are regarded as ignoring the birth of Jesus. How fair is that? We judge people on religious beliefs that are not even in the Bible. Then when someone tells you something that is in the Bible, it is debated.

Resolution: Tell them it ain’t Jesus’ birthday, and you going broke buying ridiculous gifts ain’t helping Jesus no way!


This is about your religion again, isn’t it?

Yes, I had to include this again because someone will say it. They will ignore the fact that this is a man-made and over commercialized holiday, but criticize you for your faith. Your friends and family will come at you from every angle because your faith is not the norm. They will criticize you and even call you evil for ignoring Jesus and this season of giving.

Resolution: Just ignore this. Anytime someone tries to use your faith against you to justify what they are doing, they just need to take a good look at themselves in the mirror.

Well it doesn’t hurt to celebrate it

Tis’ the season to be jolly right? Joy to the World right? Have a holly jolly Christmas….yeah you get the idea. Everyone is happy and joyful and buying each other gifts. What is wrong with that? What kind of horrible person would not want to be part of a season as full of joy as the Christmas season? Your friends may tell you that you are doing more hurt not celebrating it because you are creating division at such a happy time.

Resolution: Give them your reasons for holding to your faith. Don’t feel the need to back down. You know what the Bible says about these traditions. You know what history says about them. Just because it is dressed up in a pretty tree and a bow doesn’t change where it started.


But the Bible doesn’t say not to celebrate Christmas

Technically, when they tell you this, they would be right. The Bible doesn’t say to not celebrate Christmas because Christmas as a word is never mentioned in the Bible. Again, I am not going to get into the debate that everyone else is having. You can read that anywhere. But people will try to use this as a reason you should be okay with celebrating this holiday. Based on the traditions that are carried down there are a number of reasons you could give them, but since the Bible doesn’t outright say “Don’t celebrate Christmas” that is enough for them to hold on to their traditions.


Resolution: Don’t argue with them….technically they are right. Again you have to stand your ground here. If they are giving you this as an argument they are choosing what they want to use from the Bible.


What are some things you have heard your friends and family say about your choice to not celebrate?



To send a letter to the Cris Travis, you can write to her at: cris@restorationmagazine.info

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